Embrace the Light of the last full moon of 2012!


As we leave 2012 it is our time to transcend all the lower vibrations and to enlighten into the new higher vibration of consciousness that has been building within and around us ever more strongly in 2012. At this time we are being called to release any vibration that no longer serves our highest good aka our highest self. The energy of this last year has brought to our attention that which needs to be released of a lower vibration may it be our thoughts, habits, relationships, work….truly it is anything that does not resonate with the Soul and Soul Calling. There has been a big shift in the last few years of people stepping out and following their Soul Calling or purpose; this is a beautiful step that is being wholly supported by Source. When we step into the space that allows us to move in the direction of honoring our Soul and purpose we allow all the Divine Realized Beings of Light to support and assist in our transcendence. Resistance to your souls calling is like sitting in a canoe on the wrong side of a dam in a river and once you find faith and move the canoe into the flow of the river (Universe) it will carry you to your destiny. All is effortless through Faith!

It is a lovely time to use the energy of this last full moon of 2012 to do a burn and release by writing down all that you want to let go of that no longer serves your highest good (is of a lower vibration) and then burning the paper (s) asking that all be released and replaced with truth and light. This is also a great time to place your intentions either of release or creation into a mandala.

Have a Beautiful Blessed Full Moon ♥

Photo by Ravensnest.ning.com

♥ Once in a Blue Moon ♥


The Blue Moon is upon us and it is the last one until 2015. The Blue Moon provides us a time to reflect on what we are creating. What are there things you need to release that no longer serve your highest good? Are there intentions that you want to plant or seed for manifestation? The energy around the Blue Moon is very clear and will assist in catalyzing shifts.

member whatever you say the Universe supports that! If there is a gift you would like to bring into your life ... now is the time to ask. If we continue to say " ________ is not who I AM", "I do not experience ______", or "I do not have _______ in my life" then that is what we will continue to experience. What is it you want? What experience are you seeking? Those are the intentions to set as that is truly what you seek!!

Stop resonating with not having and start creating ♥

Be clear and all will be supported by this energy!

Heart Chakra Breathwork


Seek into your heart space and use breathwork to create the flowering of your conscious compassion.  

Focus at your third eye taking a deep inhale through the nose (long deep breathing) visualize bringing  the breath/prana to your heart center see this as any color you are guided.  Upon exhale through the nose see that color expanding from the front and back of your heart center surrounding you.   Continue with this visualization and breathwork clearing your heart space and building your Light brighter and brighter.  

If you are guided add a personal mantra such as I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT, I AM ...

Often I am guided to inhale Self-Love and exhale Self-Judgment.

Love and Relationships


Love is not about attaching to the desired result of a relationship the intention and focus should be placed on creating a clear vibration for the highest possible outcome. Individually as we clear old patterns and habits attached to relationship experiences we heal and become whole within ourselves thus being able to truly be of service to another. Use your breath today to release old patterns and hurts that are holding you back from creating your highest possible vibration of Love !

♥ Have a Beautiful Day!

Send Light Ahead of Time!


Ever feel the stress of an upcoming situation and would like to shift the energy to a higher vibration? 

Send the Light ahead of time! Create a visual space for the people that will be involved and in through visualization bring them together. Please know this does not have to be the actual space where this event will be held it is the energy you are setting that IS important. Once visualized send Light to the individuals and the space; to me light is how I send energy in the form of love, acceptance, and healing. In my experience I fill a bright white ball of energy in the space bathing everyone involved and sending them all love, acceptance, and healing, aka my prayers … then I raise the roof with the light literally. This is my practice when families are together in stressful times or when someone I know is having surgery I fill the space with Light and also ask that the Light work through the surgeon’s hands. So if you are guided send the Light ahead of time and ask for Divine assistance for the highest good of all involved. Blessings and Love to anyone who is feeling the stresses of this time and needs a little Light. ♥ Dana

Image from

Amma's Darshan


In my experience Amma’s Darshan includes the energy and vibration of Love held within a space in her presence and the Gift of Light received through a hug from Amma.  The embrace from Amma connects like a bridge the unconditional Love from an Infinite source and the unconditional Love within you. The vibrational energy of this unconditional Love is lit within you and thus can be used as a gage to maintain awareness to your own unconditional self-Love and connection to others.   Once you receive Darshan from Amma if you feel your energy is not resonating in a space of unconditional Love you can always call upon Amma’s Grace if you desire.   In doing so you raise your vibration and/or clear what is needed to retain that space of unconditional Love for yourself.  Amma’s Darshan can assist you in releasing old thought patterns of negativity, cultivate self-love, forgiveness, and catalyze physical and emotional healing. This space or connection of unconditional Love is Infinite and holds no human ties such as expectations or emotions.  

Receiving Amma’s Darshan is a way to ignite the source of unconditional Love within and catalyze you to continue to heal and raise our vibration.  Each time I have received Darshan from Amma my self-realization has been catalyzed bringing me to a space of Love, light and healing to continue on my spiritual journey.  This summer I will be receiving Darshan here in California and will be attending with my parents for their first Darshan in New England.  Looking forward to the healing and Love we will all embrace.

Amma’s Summer US Tour is in full swing!!  If you are guided please follow the link below to see if she will be in a city near you.  Love and Blessings to you all!

Photo from cronin.rxtut.com

Divine Timing


The Idea of divine timing gives us a great feeling in understanding our lives; though can it become resistance to moving?  For me it did and I discovered that I could come up with a thousand excuses not to start blogging and then I decided movement IS the higher road!  SO I start with the shifts and movement in the space I am holding now!  We celebrated this last weekend my niece’s second birthday which is also the second birthday of a big shift for me.  

My niece KaiKoura came early which was expected with her Taurus energy : ) though what I did not expect was the shift and changes her entering this life would bring for us all and me incredibly.  The night KaiKoura was born I flew in from Phoenix to Orange County for her birth and on the plane ride I knew my marriage was over.  As the plane lifted off the runway I knew when I arrived home I had to speak my truth and move forward from the space I was currently holding in my marriage. 

The birth of a girl in our family made me rise to the truth that the marriage I was in was unhealthy for us all.  Including KaiKoura… If I did not hold a space for myself of honor and worth how I wondered can the next generation rise to honor themselves?  You will hear many quote “do as I say not as I do”… Well I decided the night she was born I AM going to do as I say!

Perhaps the space we hold for our children creates their worth and their ideals of what to tolerate and accept.   So I stood up… I decided I would be an example of what my worth is and give KaiKoura not only the words of what I desire my truth to be.  So we celebrate the second year of life for KaiKoura and I celebrate my strength to honor myself and my truth. 

May we all stand in our truth and hold space for the life we desire.  My Love and Blessings to you!



Each experience in life is an opportunity to learn as we choose to engage our lessons they become openings for healing. This is part of living consciously which at the core is about creating a better lineage for our families and ourselves. In the practice of Kundalini Yoga it is intended that any form of healing you practice in this life is healing 7 generations both before and after you. This to me is devotion ~ Use your breath today to inhale gratitude for the lessons and to release what no longer serves you. 

Photo from HarvestHeart.tumblr

Be Expansive


As we learn to hold and stand in our power we create a space to expand into our true being. When not in our power often we engage fear in something new like a career or relationship thus contracting from our true self and the experience. Only if you are expansive will you experience your authentic self. Take time today and use your breath to expand into the life you want…

Create a beautiful day everyone !

Picture from Angels Light Worldwide

Love Relationships


Love is not about attaching to the desired result of a relationship the intention and focus should be placed on creating a clear vibration for the highest possible outcome. Individually as we clear old patterns and habits attached to relationship experiences we heal and become whole within ourselves thus being able to truly be of service to another. Use your breath today to release old patterns and hurts that are holding you back from creating your highest possible vibration of Love.