Services & Testimonials

SOUL SESSIONS: Soul Sessions are available by appointment:   Via Phone, Skype and in person at select locations in Southern California.  Through a Soul Session you will connect to your higher self/soul to gain clarity and release the blocks of the human mind.  Allowing for your divine truth and purpose to guide your path as you release the subconscious files of the mind that create the blocks of growth and manifestation.  When you set an appointment I will tune into your energy and see where the individual blocks are in the physical, emotional and spiritual body.  Through our session we will process thru these blocks clearing the path and raising your vibrational consciousness.  Tools (Spiritual Homework) will be provided to continue to clean and clear those blocks or cords keeping your vibration at a place where you can manifest the highest possible outcome for your journey.   Each session catalyzes growth and healing allowing each individual to connect to their own intuition and to be guided to manifest the life they desire at a higher vibration.  As we clean and clear old patterns and habits we raise our vibration thus clearing the way for a higher vibration relationship, job or outcome.  Each session includes tools for your own growth and healing as well as a follow up email for questions that arise.

Intuitive Education and Behavior Programs:  Specializing in ADHD, Autism and learning delays.  Education programs customized to meet the needs of each individual. Teaching to your child’s innate ability to learn and process information.  For example successful reading programs have been created through music. Behavior programs created to successfully integrate your child into social, school and home environments. Remember initiating new patterns of behavior individually and as a whole family unit can shift the energy in the home towards success. 

Intuitive Parenting Workshops:  Tune into the energy created in your home and shift to a higher form of communication.

Intuitive Healings and Pranic Breathwork:  I will guide you to intuitively remove blocks in the energetic, emotional and physical body. 

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation:  Tune into your higher self and begin to maintain your own healing vibration! Kundalini yoga creates an aware connection on an energetic level clearing and healing the physical, emotional, and energetic body. The practice of yoga and meditation brings conscious awareness to the patterns and habits of the past that cause reactions in the present.  Through healing with yoga and meditation create a space of awareness to shift into positive manifesting and a healthier happier life.   

Please feel free to contact me to schedule services or for more information at  


For years I had been working through my stuff” but had reached a plateau so I decided to try something new and meet with Dana for a Soul Session. In one session Dana helped me see I did not have to work through my “stuff” but just to let it go.  Dana confirmed things that I deeply wanted to be true, but was afraid to believe or ask for.  I was ready for change so after the session I dove head-first into the homework she assigned, and while I was exhausted from all the shifts, the results were immediate.  I highly recommend anyone who is trying to make changes or get to their next level of growth contact Dana for a session: she will not disappoint.
 Jen, Marriage and Family Therapist

Dana is one of those people that once you have her in your life, you wonder how you could have done it without her before! My first encounter with her was so full of love and kindness I was blown away. It was also filled with a lot of different truths I had been attempting to avoid to protect myself. Dana, helped me uncover and face those uncomfortable truths in the most comfortable and positive way ever. She has an uncanny ability to make you call yourself out and be okay with it. What's even better is that once the truth is out there, she helps you find the right tools to help you deal with all those feelings and move forward, for the better. One of the best things about Dana is that she affirms who you are and your humanity, but she also works to make sure that YOU are working towards your highest self. She meets you where you are and loves you for it. If you're willing to pray and move your feet, she's a person that can help you do it faster!

Misty, Studio City, CA

I can't start this any other way than Dana has completely changed my life.  Dana is one of those incredibly gifted individuals that has an ability to connect to you the minute she meets you.  I was on a path of self exploration and wondering how to take it to the next level.  Although hard to hear at first, she broke through patterns I didn't even realize where there.  For as long as I can remember, I've had a fluctuating level of anxiety...never being able to pin point where it was coming from.  She graciously pointed out and asked me the necessary questions holding me back.  After all that, she provided me the tools to step forward and move to a place of healing and regrowth.  She is open, non-judgmental and so accurate at times it's unnerving :) I know that this is just the start of beautiful growth, I couldn't be more grateful to have her enter my journey.

Kari, Long Beach, CA

Dana is one of the most “connected” people I know, her words of wisdom and guidance come from deep within her, and are words based on experience, not from a book.  Dana’s ability and willingness to share her gifts is a blessing in itself.  Listen with your soul and your journey will be that much more fulfilled by her pertinent insights!

Phil, New Hampshire

Dana is one of those rare walking angels on earth who has helped me in my greatest times of need.  Dana has done the self-work making her a pure vessel of light, able to help and heal you with her insights.  Dana has always been extremely accurate in her readings giving me great confidence to act on her advice.  Coming from a place of non-judgment she always sees the lessons to be gained despite the outward appearances of life.  Dana is a gift to this world living her life in service to bring peace, harmony and love to all those fortunate enough to connect with her. 

Namaste Hannah, Phoenix, AZ

I have learned a tremendous amount from Dana!  The “old me” would fly off the handle over relatively small things through working with Dana I have learned a large amount of patience through her guidance and insight.  Learning from her how to control myself and my thoughts and actions is just a couple of examples.  The way she explains things is second to none and I am grateful to know her as a person.  In addition to the above I have seen her help others as well; her selflessness is amazing to watch.  Caring only that the person she is helping becomes clearer and healthier.  Dana is truly a light worker and has helped me become the same.

Dan,  St. Louis, MO

The coolest thing about learning Kundalini yoga with Dana is that it put me in touch with the infinite love that surrounds us, penetrates us and created us.  I have touched this love during the meditation portion of Dana's class, and I definitely credit Dana's clear channel to the infinite as the vehicle that helped enable me to feel this supremely powerful love. Feeling this powerful sense of love and belonging regularly has helped make me more patient, more understanding and more gentle towards others and towards myself.  Dana's clear channel to this universal love also helped me release old anger, fear and attachments that prevent me from being the best man I can be. Bottom line is that practicing Kundalini yoga with Dana is helping make me a better man.

Henry C., Garden Grove, CA