Divine Timing


The Idea of divine timing gives us a great feeling in understanding our lives; though can it become resistance to moving?  For me it did and I discovered that I could come up with a thousand excuses not to start blogging and then I decided movement IS the higher road!  SO I start with the shifts and movement in the space I am holding now!  We celebrated this last weekend my niece’s second birthday which is also the second birthday of a big shift for me.  

My niece KaiKoura came early which was expected with her Taurus energy : ) though what I did not expect was the shift and changes her entering this life would bring for us all and me incredibly.  The night KaiKoura was born I flew in from Phoenix to Orange County for her birth and on the plane ride I knew my marriage was over.  As the plane lifted off the runway I knew when I arrived home I had to speak my truth and move forward from the space I was currently holding in my marriage. 

The birth of a girl in our family made me rise to the truth that the marriage I was in was unhealthy for us all.  Including KaiKoura… If I did not hold a space for myself of honor and worth how I wondered can the next generation rise to honor themselves?  You will hear many quote “do as I say not as I do”… Well I decided the night she was born I AM going to do as I say!

Perhaps the space we hold for our children creates their worth and their ideals of what to tolerate and accept.   So I stood up… I decided I would be an example of what my worth is and give KaiKoura not only the words of what I desire my truth to be.  So we celebrate the second year of life for KaiKoura and I celebrate my strength to honor myself and my truth. 

May we all stand in our truth and hold space for the life we desire.  My Love and Blessings to you!


Henry said...

To me, the most beautiful thing about your decision to embrace your strength is that you did it not just for you, but also for someone else. I think that's courageous, generous and inspiring.

Dana said...

Thank you Henry for your kinds words! I am grateful the Light surrounds me that is where I find my strength! Sat Nam!

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