♥ Once in a Blue Moon ♥


The Blue Moon is upon us and it is the last one until 2015. The Blue Moon provides us a time to reflect on what we are creating. What are there things you need to release that no longer serve your highest good? Are there intentions that you want to plant or seed for manifestation? The energy around the Blue Moon is very clear and will assist in catalyzing shifts.

member whatever you say the Universe supports that! If there is a gift you would like to bring into your life ... now is the time to ask. If we continue to say " ________ is not who I AM", "I do not experience ______", or "I do not have _______ in my life" then that is what we will continue to experience. What is it you want? What experience are you seeking? Those are the intentions to set as that is truly what you seek!!

Stop resonating with not having and start creating ♥

Be clear and all will be supported by this energy!

Heart Chakra Breathwork


Seek into your heart space and use breathwork to create the flowering of your conscious compassion.  

Focus at your third eye taking a deep inhale through the nose (long deep breathing) visualize bringing  the breath/prana to your heart center see this as any color you are guided.  Upon exhale through the nose see that color expanding from the front and back of your heart center surrounding you.   Continue with this visualization and breathwork clearing your heart space and building your Light brighter and brighter.  

If you are guided add a personal mantra such as I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT, I AM ...

Often I am guided to inhale Self-Love and exhale Self-Judgment.