

Each experience in life is an opportunity to learn as we choose to engage our lessons they become openings for healing. This is part of living consciously which at the core is about creating a better lineage for our families and ourselves. In the practice of Kundalini Yoga it is intended that any form of healing you practice in this life is healing 7 generations both before and after you. This to me is devotion ~ Use your breath today to inhale gratitude for the lessons and to release what no longer serves you. 

Photo from HarvestHeart.tumblr

Be Expansive


As we learn to hold and stand in our power we create a space to expand into our true being. When not in our power often we engage fear in something new like a career or relationship thus contracting from our true self and the experience. Only if you are expansive will you experience your authentic self. Take time today and use your breath to expand into the life you want…

Create a beautiful day everyone !

Picture from Angels Light Worldwide

Love Relationships


Love is not about attaching to the desired result of a relationship the intention and focus should be placed on creating a clear vibration for the highest possible outcome. Individually as we clear old patterns and habits attached to relationship experiences we heal and become whole within ourselves thus being able to truly be of service to another. Use your breath today to release old patterns and hurts that are holding you back from creating your highest possible vibration of Love.