Embrace the Light of the last full moon of 2012!


As we leave 2012 it is our time to transcend all the lower vibrations and to enlighten into the new higher vibration of consciousness that has been building within and around us ever more strongly in 2012. At this time we are being called to release any vibration that no longer serves our highest good aka our highest self. The energy of this last year has brought to our attention that which needs to be released of a lower vibration may it be our thoughts, habits, relationships, work….truly it is anything that does not resonate with the Soul and Soul Calling. There has been a big shift in the last few years of people stepping out and following their Soul Calling or purpose; this is a beautiful step that is being wholly supported by Source. When we step into the space that allows us to move in the direction of honoring our Soul and purpose we allow all the Divine Realized Beings of Light to support and assist in our transcendence. Resistance to your souls calling is like sitting in a canoe on the wrong side of a dam in a river and once you find faith and move the canoe into the flow of the river (Universe) it will carry you to your destiny. All is effortless through Faith!

It is a lovely time to use the energy of this last full moon of 2012 to do a burn and release by writing down all that you want to let go of that no longer serves your highest good (is of a lower vibration) and then burning the paper (s) asking that all be released and replaced with truth and light. This is also a great time to place your intentions either of release or creation into a mandala.

Have a Beautiful Blessed Full Moon ♥

Photo by Ravensnest.ning.com